Stainless steel sheet
Nickel aloy sheet

Nickel aloy sheet

Sheet and strip are among the most common semi-finished products for industrial purposes. The size and shape of this product allows you to use it as construction materials. At the same time, such a special type of sheet as the anode is used in Nickel plating as a source of Nickel. Given that this metal is one of the materials that have the best resistance to corrosion, as well as a convenient form factor of these semi-finished products, we can say that the Nickel strip and sheet are in high demand in the domestic and global industrial market.

Nickel strip and sheet are produced by rolling method. They can be hot-rolled or cold-rolled. According to the state of the material, cold-rolled strips can be soft (annealed) or hard.

During hot rolling of the billet is subjected to heating. Depending on the final size of the product, this process can be carried out in several passes. After hot rolling, a number of technological operations are carried out aimed at cleaning the surface of the product from by-product chemical compounds, giving it the necessary technological and mechanical properties, as well as the required length and width values. These include heat treatment, straightening, mechanical and chemical finishing (processing), edge trimming, and cutting.

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