Stainless steel sheet
Сorrugated sheet

Сorrugated sheet

A sheet with a grooved surface is one of the types of rolled products belonging to the flat class. Iron sheet over the entire surface has a kind of irregularities-riffles. They are arranged in different order at an angle and have different shapes and numbers. According to their geometric pattern, riffles are divided into rectangular (rhombic) and oval (lentil).The priority purpose of irregularities is to create the most possible safe movement on the surface of the iron. This feature has influenced the scope of application of the material and helped solve safety problems in many industrial and domestic facilities. Production of construction material with fluting, the raw material for which is metal.At the same time, the galvanized sheet is produced with a width of 600-2200 mm. Acceptable deviations can range from ±0.18 mm for high accuracy values to 1.1 mm for normal (for maximum width). The length of the material is made from 1400 mm to 8000 mm in increments of 50 mm. The height of the applied riffles is 20-30% of the sheet thickness.For sheets with a base thickness of more than 5 mm, it is customary to apply irregularities with a drawing height of at least 1 mm.

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