Stainless steel sheet
Galvanized sheet

Galvanized sheet

Galvanized sheet is an ordinary metal made of cold-rolled carbon steel with a zinc coating applied to it. Moreover, the zinc coating should be smooth and uniform. The slightest cracks or chips in the coating can lead to rust, and as a result, the metal will become unusable. Therefore, when galvanizing, strictly monitor the appearance of defects.One of the most popular Metalworking products is galvanized sheet. The most common type of coating galvanized steel sheet is a coating of the second class without the pattern of crystallization. This coating provides the most reliable protection and high durability of the galvanized sheet.
Depending on the purpose and production technology, galvanized sheet can be divided into several types.
The first of them is cold-stamped metal products.
The second is a galvanized sheet made for painting, which is indicated by the letters PC.
Cold profiling products are the third type of materials in this group. General purpose galvanized sheet is the fourth group.
Depending on the thickness of the galvanized steel sheet can also be divided into certain classes, the number of which reaches three.
The most durable material is a galvanized sheet of increased thickness.

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