Stainless steel sheet

Stainless steel sheet

The name "stainless steel sheet" combines a whole class of rolled metal products, which includes many modifications. Stainless steel sheet is the main product of flat rolled stainless steel products that differ in geometry and thickness, in the method of rolling (production), surface treatment methods, and a number of other characteristics.According to the production method, stainless steel sheet is divided into hot-rolled and cold-rolled. In the manufacture of the hot-rolled variety of sheet, carbon steel is subjected to hot rolling. Cold rolled rolled steel produces a cold rolled sheet with a smooth, corrugated or grooved surface.

Depending on the type of surface treatment, stainless steel sheet has three main modifications:

Mirror; this stainless steel may also have various modifications for a number of other parameters. Its main technical characteristics include:

Steel grade. Stainless steel sheet is made of chromium-Nickel steel with the addition of other elements: titanium, manganese, silicon, etc. The percentage of chromium depends on the degree of resistance of the sheet to corrosion, and the addition of certain alloying elements increases the resistance of steel.
Sheet thickness. Depending on this parameter, rolled products are divided into thin-sheet and thick-sheet steel.
Density. By the nature of the density of steel, there are normal, high, especially high and improved types of steel sheet.
Processing of the edge. The edge of a stainless steel sheet can be edged or uncut.
Accuracy of manufacturing. The accuracy can be normal or increased.

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