Long product
Stainless steel bar

Stainless steel bar

The most popular semi-finished product of the stainless range is a stainless circle. High-alloy grades of stainless steel are used in its production, and different production methods are used: hot, cold rolling and forging. The finished product has a circular cross-section. The hot-rolled circle has a higher strength, but in comparison with other varieties it is less plastic. Another name for the semi-finished product is stainless steel rod.

The rod is used in many industries as part blanks for various mechanisms. The distinctive properties of stainless steel such as corrosion resistance and heat resistance allow products and materials to work stably in difficult conditions. The anti-corrosion properties of stainless steel are in demand in the shipbuilding and oil and gas industry during the construction of gas pipelines and offshore drilling platforms.

Also, this type of semi-finished products is used in the aviation industry, some of its types in the automotive industry and car building.There are several types of stainless steel circle: non-etched, calibrated, Monel. The calibrated product has a high ductility, which makes it possible to control the deformation of the product, the surface of which can be processed, it can be polished.

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